Logo Designing FAQ’s

Logo designing is a fundamental aspect of establishing a brand’s identity, serving as the visual representation of your business and its values. A well-crafted logo helps to create a memorable impression and foster brand recognition. Here are some frequently asked questions about logo designing.

Logo Designing Dubai UAE, Logo Design Services Dubai

Logo design is a custom project. Every company, in every industry is unique, which means no two designs are exactly the same. Every logo design can’t be priced the same because of this factor. In spite of this some design agencies has standard price but we don’t think its right. The price for logo design would depend on the problem, industry, style, technique and every time it would be different.

Every project is different and every client is unique. For this reason, we offer a custom package based on your needs, budget and timeframe. We estimate that each logo design project requires at least 3 weeks of design work (2 weeks for research & ideation and 1 week for development). In rare cases, the project can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 6 months, but within this time frame we can guarantee great results.

When you design a logo, you need to clearly answer the question of what problem do you want to solve. If a logo has a clear purpose and meaning, it will be more functional and effective. Think of your logo as the face or representative of your brand. It needs to communicate on its own what kind of message the business represents, who are the people behind its story, and why they are special.

Designing a logo is not an easy task. It can be done in different styles and techniques, but in my opinion, the style and technique are secondary, keeping in mind that it has to be air-tight logo. The logo is good when it has a cool idea and when you keep finding hidden meanings in it, which were conceived by the designer to reveal an idea and which are not obvious at first glance.

The term logotype is used to refer to a graphic (no text), and the phrase trademark or trade mark can be applied to words or a combination of words, graphics, sounds and colors. And this is important for brand-new brands where you are coming up with an entirely new mark that does not substantially resemble any other trademarks.

The logo is a visual element of the brand image, which is the main and only element with an ability to communicate in all visual media. The logo should be understandable and memorable for your target audience, because it is not only a symbol that can be used as a basis for other elements, but also an element of brand identity itself. Visual identity design process starts with logo design and its quality importance is undeniable.

Clients often ask us to compare the design proposals against each other. From our experience, this is not the right way to do it. What is important is to present 1 option and then discuss pros and cons with the client. If they decide they do not like this option, that’s fine. Sometimes we have to work on a new design, but sometimes there’s no need for it — for example, if the client wants two similar colors in two different positions on the slide but does not care about how exactly these colors should appear or where exactly they should be located.

Logo design can be defined as the art of using graphical means to generate a logo that is strongly associated with a business, or an organization. Being an image-based medium, it requires a familiarity and proficiency in all types of visual techniques that are required for these purposes. Designing a logo is also an experience-based process. The designer must consider the implications of their designs and how they will appear on different mediums and take into account unit size and color variations.